Carbon Neutral Business: A Viable Solution to Reduce Global Warming

Saturday, September 12, 2009

One of the greatest threats faced by the world today is the rising global temperature. There are many factors, which contribute to global warming. If we ignore these problems, we could have serious ecological problems like the rising of the oceans due to the melting of the ice caps or the disturbance of many fragile ecosystems that rely on a carefully moderated temperature.

However, we can help minimize the increasing temperature and help in finding global warming solution by adopting some effective measures like becoming a part of the Carbon Neutral Business movement. With this movement and the drive to reduce such harmful toxins like carbon from continuing to pollute our air we can have cleaner air and a safer environment to live in. The work of the people who run this organization specifically targets companies that are known to emit so much greenhouse emissions and teaches these companies how they can be of help to the environment without really cutting back on production as well as revenues.
So how can we achieve carbon neutrality? There are four main areas to look at:

Limiting transport energy usage and emissions (walking, using bicycles or public transport, avoiding flying, using low-energy vehicles). Nowadays a business's attitude and actions towards climate change determine its public awareness and success. Many companies are coming forward to help minimize these effects instead of adding to them. We can solve this problem by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions emitted by our cars and factories, carpooling, using bikes and developing alternative fuel sources could reduce these emissions on the personal level.

The tools and the information that the Carbon Neutral Business movement gets to the people who need to reduce the pollutants that they emit. You can then proceed to reduce these emissions with the information you can get from the people who run this movement and from those who are concerned about our environment and the air we breathe. Going carbon neutral is also a immense viable advantage over those companies who are not carbon Neutral because now a days consumers, Customers are more and more aware and concern about climate change and its effects. As the public becomes more aware of the need for immediate action against climate change, your carbon neutral business will gain competitive advantages within the low-carbon economy and benefit from being part of the solution.

This will be a small step taken by your organization to take on active direction role in the battle against climate change.

Business carbon offsets — the way to reduce your business carbon footprints

Business carbon offsets — the way to reduce your business carbon footprints
Global Warming is a burning issue and hot topic to be considered as a priority. Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the earth’s atmospheric and ground temperatures throughout the entire planet. Day-to-day activities by humans since the beginning of the industrial era have resulted in the increased emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, causing a trend of warming at a distressing pace.
Greenhouse gases were not a problem until the world depended on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are oils, gases and coal which we use every day for different activities. Most activities we undertake in our working lives produce carbon and contribute to our Carbon Footprint (the sum of all the carbon our small business produces). We are all responsible for adding Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, just by doing everyday things such as driving our cars, heating our homes and flying to a holiday destination.
However every individual on earth is responsible for carbon dioxide emissions through the use of energy, businesses are the major cause of increasing global warming. Every business causes a direct impact on the environment by using enormous amount of energy to run its office and maintain its staff needs. Global warming is a major problem due to industrialization and economic development.
Businesses should take a step toward solving global warming issues and take some effective measures to reduce their carbon footprints. Carbon offsetting is best way to compensate your business carbon footprints. The term carbon offset means that you attempt to mitigate or reduce the effects of your emission of greenhouse gases by trying to do other activities which may have an equivalent value. Business carbon offsets let you pay to reduce the global GHG (greenhouse gas) total instead of making radical or impossible reductions of your own. If you are running a business, you have a responsibility to keep any pollution that may result from your business activities under control.
Flying is also one of the fastest increasing causes of climate change, due to the carbon emitted. But you can neutralize your carbon emissions with the carbon neutral flights, and make your travel greener. Carbon neutral flights entail spending money on carbon offset schemes to make up for the carbon emitted into the atmosphere during your flight.
Global warming is evidenced by changes to our environment and weather patterns and, if left unchecked, could seriously affect life on our earth. It's time to wake up and explore how you can make a difference in the battle against the environmentally damaging effects of carbon emissions.